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Comment by samatman

3 months ago

The curly braces themselves are 100% irrelevant, as evidenced by the many, many successful and well-liked languages which don't use them, including Python, which is in the running for the most-used language these days. They're an implementation detail.

What's closer to innate is the Algorithmic Language, Algol for short, the common ancestor of the vast majority of languages in common use (but not, notably, Lisps).

Algol was designed based on observational data of how programmers, who had to somehow turn their ideas into the assembler to run on machines, would write out those ideas. Before it was code, it was pseudocode, and the origins predate electronic computers: pseudocode was used to express algorithms to computers, when that was a profession rather than an object.

That pseudocode could have been anything, because it was just a way of working out what you then had to persuade the machine to do. But it gravitated toward a common vocabulary of control structures, assignment expressions, arithmetic as expressed in PEBCAK style, subroutine calls written like functions, indexing with squared brackets on both sides of an assignment, and so on. I revert to pseudocode frequently when I'm stuck on something, and get a lot of benefit from the practice.

So I do think that what's common in imperative languages captures something which is somewhat innate to the way programmers think about programs. Lisp was also a notation! And it fits the way some people think very well. But not the majority. I have some thoughts about why, which you can deduce an accurate sketch of from what I chose to highlight in the previous paragraph.

> Algol was designed based on observational data of how programmers, who had to somehow turn their ideas into the assembler to run on machines, would write out those ideas. Before it was code, it was pseudocode, and the origins predate electronic computers: pseudocode was used to express algorithms to computers, when that was a profession rather than an object.

I believe you, but do you have a source for this? I can't find papers on how they chose to develop the syntax of Algol in the beginning.