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Comment by throwup238

16 days ago

> Sheep and Cows will also act wild if not domesticated; they are just not fast by nature.

What does that mean? Do you mean feral animals? Non-domesticated cows went extinct hundreds of years ago [1]

> Even humans can be on the extreme wild spectrum if not domesticated. There is plenty of evidence even to this day.

What evidence? What is a non-domesticated human?

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aurochs#Extinction

If domesticated breeds of cattle live in feral herds they will act like similar wild animals. I have seen a wild herd myself once, and people familiar with them said they were dangerous.

> What evidence? What is a non-domesticated human?


  • > The term is used to refer to children who have suffered severe abuse or trauma before being abandoned or running away.

    • For completeness, this is the beginning of the article:

      > A feral child (also called wild child) is a young individual who has lived isolated from human contact from a very young age, with little or no experience of human care, social behavior, or language. Such children lack the basics of primary and secondary socialization. The term is used to refer to children who have suffered severe abuse or trauma before being abandoned or running away.

      My impression was that it could be written as, "The term is _also_ used to refer to ...", but I'm not sure.

If you want an idea of what undomesticated cattle look like head over to the American midwest and observe the Buffalo. Or go to Africa and check out the Sanga.