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Comment by Animats

16 days ago

Nothing to domesticate in that period. Horses were introduced to North America by the Cortez expedition of 1519.

The pedigrees of those horses are known. The Cortez expedition was launched by a government and the paperwork still exists. They were good Andalusians. So North American wild horses were descended from good lines of riding animals. They didn't start out feral.

Horses evolved in North America, and disappear from the fossil record along with other megafauna about 10,000 years ago.

Clovis people almost certainly interacted with horses, but likely as food.

The whole genus is supposed to have evolved in North America. Horses or very closely related species went extinct in NA somewhere between 6000-10000 BC and definitely existed alongside humans. It would not be at all surprising if human hunting contributed to their extinction.