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Comment by mrkeen

3 months ago

> Clojure emphasizes immutability

Is "emphasizes" just another word for second-class support?

C++ emphasizes the importance of memory safety.

> Is "emphasizes" just another word for second-class support?

I don't know what's your personal definition of "second-class support" but what it means is that it's explicitly supported by the language.

  • C++ explicitly supports memory-safe programming. You can choose whether you want to mess around with raw pointer arithmetic.

    What safeguards does the language actually put in-place?

    • > C++ explicitly supports memory-safe programming. You can choose whether you want to mess around with raw pointer arithmetic.

      I don't think you know what you're talking about. Managing object ownership through systems like smart pointers is not memory safety. Applications that use smart pointers still suffer from memory issues, and it's possible to adopt object ownership systems that still use raw pointers, such as It's object ownership system.

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