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Comment by anonzzzies

3 months ago

Because lisp is trivial to parse, it’s easy to make an extension for vs code that shows / edits Common Lisp / scheme looking completely different; you can make it unrecognisable. If the () are the only thing bothering people, then this is very simple to resolve. Can hardly be the only thing though. It’s also easy to build operators similar to the ones you have in Python etc like filter, map etc so you don’t have to apply recursion. These are there already but you can build them yourself in a few hours.

So it’s probably just what people learn first + lack of ‘marketing’ or negative PR (there are no libraries or ecosystem! The thing that least bothered me about CL but people with npm leftpad experience seem bothered by it).

It’s interesting as I worked I almost everything in production; c/c++ (including the MS 90s flavour), Delphi, VB, Perl, PHP, Java, C#, Haskell, F#, Common Lisp, Erlang, TS/JS, Python, Ruby, asm (z80, arm, x86) and I simply have not had a better overal experience than CL. The others are better at some things but a an overal experience, CL just is a pleasure.