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Comment by vasco

16 days ago

If you read this and think "would be fine with my dog", I say the same, but remember the kid can mess with the dog and the dog will defend itself. Do you know for sure what the dog will do if the kid pokes it in the eye? The dangerous part is more what the kid will do.

From what I understood the dog can go beserk like elephants do, no need to blame it on the victim. I mean, what can an infant do except make noise?

  • Some dogs might, others are not necessarily much more likely to behave that way than some humans.

  • Nobody is blaming the victim, perhaps read again. I am in fact reinforcing your point. A baby can't be blamed for poking an animal, they are a baby. But it can (and often is) the reason for the attacks. Blame is different from cause and effect. I don't blame gravity for dropping my stuff, but it is responsible.