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Comment by NKosmatos

12 days ago

I was todays years old, when I found out that Lisa Su (CEO of AMD) and Jensen Huang (co-founder and CEO of NVIDIA) are relatives! If you can't do a merge, it's good to have family onboard ;-)

They didn't know about their relation until much later, but if they had Jensen would have been the "cousin you don't want to be like" - he went to Oregon State and worked at a Denny's while Lisa Su went to Bronx Science and on to MIT.

  • > he went to Oregon State and worked at a Denny's while Lisa Su went to Bronx Science and on to MIT.

    Seems like a bad vibe to imply someone shouldn't aspire to go to state school or work a humble job for money to get through it, even though given both options, indeed they may dream about the fancy one. Denny's has the best milkshakes anyway and state school is probably a much more sensible place to attend.

    • This makes Jensen one of those people that climbed all the way from the bottom to the top, which is more admirable.

    • And yet this is exactly how families talk about their cousins in hushed tones, as bad and immoral as it is.

  • The "cousin you don't want to be like" is someone with an electrical engineering degree at 21?

    • Graduating with an EE degree in 3.5 to 4 years is basically the norm? I know dozens of people from my own state school that did that.

  • And then he went to Stanford so hardly a failure...

    • Not a failure at all, but Stanford Masters isn't nearly as selective as MIT undergrad or Stanford undergrad.

      He also graduated at the age of ~29. Not sure if it was a full-time MS or a part-time program paid for by his employer.

      2 replies →

(-; Indeed always warming to the core to see productive emulation between parallel lines! I'm sure after all their achievements, neither of them wastes time pondering woulda, shoulda, cuda…

  • You made my day with woulda shoulda cuda.

    I’m going to watch finding NeMo now

I couldn't believe this so I had to Google it. First cousins once removed. I don't really know what to think about this...