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Comment by jstimpfle

3 months ago

I really want to like that idea you're describing, however I've found in practice, there absolutely is a practical difference between code, data and types. I mean, they literally live in different sections of a process. If you design a program that runs on a real machine, and you spend a lot of time thinking what the program should do, how it can put the limited resources of the system to good use -- you absolutely need to think about code and data separately. Mostly think about data, really.

The one area where "code is data" remains a nice idea in my mind is for metaprogramming. And whenever I've done more metaprogramming than small doses, I've come to regret it later, no matter what the language was. (Small doses of metadata can be done even in statically typed, AOT compiled languages without RTTI).

The reason is I think, just basic data structures and simple procedures built in to a language allow you to express most everything you need, in a very direct manner. The number of distinct concepts you come up with as a programmer can usually be directly defined in the base language. Metaprogramms won't create new concepts as such, it's only code run in a different phase. There is definitely a case for generic/templated data structures but it seems it's best to use them sparingly and judiciously. Be wary of them duplicating a lot of code, fatting up and slowing down your system at compile time and/or runtime.