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Comment by dgb23

3 months ago

Honestly GP is making two very valid points though.

Something that Clojure does is differentiating between () = lists of calls, [] = vectors (the go to sequential data structure), {} = maps. This definitely helps the eye to see more structure at a cursory glance. It has a little bit more syntax compared to Scheme, but the tradeoff seems to be worthwhile.

Secondly, I think it's very healthy to be wary of indirection and abstraction. I'm not sure if I agree with the tone and generalization about modernism, but I think there's a burden of proof, so speak, when it comes to adding abstractions, especially in the long term.

I think Scheme works well for the kind of conceptual overview the course is trying to provide. I think there is something to the argument that Scheme syntax is not ideal for readability of larger programs, but I would wager that the bigger reason some students find SICP confusing is the same reason it blows others’ minds - the whole approach is at a higher level of abstraction than most “intro to programming” classes.

Yes, I agree these are two good points. I also experienced teaching SICP and would say the overall position of the GP is incorrect and results in a less profound understanding of programming.