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Comment by Bancakes

16 days ago

Exactly. ROCm is only available for the top tier RX 7900 GPUs and you’re expected to run Linux.

AMD was (is) tinkering with a translation layer for CUDA, much like how WINE translates directX. Great idea but it’s been taking a while in this fast paced market.

> AMD was (is) tinkering with a translation layer for CUDA

From what I understand, they dropped the contract with the engineer who was working on it.

Fortunately, as part of the contract, said engineer stipulated that the project would become open source, so now it is, and is still being maintained by that engineer.

> ROCm is only available for the top tier RX 7900 GPUs and you’re expected to run Linux.

Fixed it for you: ROCm is only officially supported for the top tier RX 7900 GPUs and you’re expected to run Linux.

Desktop class cards work if you apply a "HSA version override".

  • Cool. I was thinking of getting a 7800 XT over a 4070. Hope I can get llama 70B working nearly as well.