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Comment by agumonkey

3 months ago

And the public static void main and then endless conversations about packages, and public/private fields, that will backfire very pragmatically (at the time) unit test frameworks didn't have a way to call private methods ... Ironically by the time you're done with the basics, nobody has stamina anymore to learn anonymous inner classes.

The thing is, somehow syntax and some forms of abstractions cast a magic spell on most of the population (at time myself included) .. it's your mental interface to the semantics, so you want more syntax to be able to have more abilities, but syntax composes badly.

At least to me that's why I enjoyed lisps / lambda calc, it reduces the domain into a more homogeneous space, suddenly more things are possible with less. Although it seems that the mainstream rather enjoys doing simple thing with verbose tools (it does looks like you're doing a lot of work with a lot of advanced terminology) than solving hard problems with APL oneliners (hyperbole).

Different psychologies ?