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Comment by michaelt

3 months ago

> Cities Skylines eventually filled in that gap and if you look at the dedicated community around those games you'll see a heavy emphasis on simulation and very little focus on making it a more fun game.

Nowhere near. If Cities Skylines was a truly accurate simulation:

1. It would be nigh-impossible to bulldoze private property. Every road, once built, would become essentially permanent.

2. Every city would be perpetually cash-strapped, with tax income insufficient to cover the maintenance costs on the infrastructure.

3. If you either raise taxes or reduce spending you would get thrown out of office at the next election.

Thankfully, the creators realised that making it fun was more important than making it accurate.

Those objections are differences to the cities we live in, but not impossible.

China builds cities without regard for 1 and 3, and partially 2.

Also, you don't have to consider changing the city part of the simulation. It may just be switching from one test model to another.