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Comment by chaimgingold

16 days ago

Thank you. Hmm, a big existential question and I haven't had any coffee yet. There is certainly anxiety in the uncertainty. (Was spending over ten years researching and writing this book––intermixed with other things--a good use of time?) But I think I'd be unhappy with something safe. It's an ongoing surprise to me that my career continues to work, but I do occasionally wonder if this is a wise course. My parallel counterfactual selves are doing really different things, but I think I like the real one more. (Though they probably feel the same way.)

Thank you for answering honestly and directly.

I ask this question because I also found myself to be unfit for 40 hours a week regular tech job. And, in India, practically they are 60 to 70 hours a week.

And yet, I cannot seem to find any creative energy if I am not engaged in something safe. So, currently I am thinking about jobs outside tech, with better work-life balance, and continue programming as a hobby.

And the pastures are much greener in the US than in India. Qualitatively and quantitatively, more opportunities exist. And the culture is much better. So, someone in your position can find something safe if this life doesn't suit you anymore.

I can't take any more of 10-hour days, office politics, abuse, MBA bosses, etc. But I love programming.

I have a Master's in CS, I am also considering academia.

Anyway, thanks for your input.