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Comment by arp242

16 days ago

Few years back I ordered something from the internet. I forgot what exactly went wrong, but some JS nonsense prevented me from doing what I wanted to do and I no choice but to use this website.

So I opened the inspector to remove that event handler or whatnot.

My girlfriend was sitting next to me. "What are you doing?", "Oh, just need to edit this so it allows me to continue." The look on her face was priceless. "You-you c-can do that?! You're allowed to just do that?!" To be fair, I can understand her apprehension as I was wearing a balaclava and black gloves.

I used to do the same with some online-training videos which would stop when I de-focused the browser window.

I just overwrote `window.hasFocus()` to always return true in the browser console.

This felt (and still feels) like magic.

> To be fair, I can understand her apprehension as I was wearing a baklava and black gloves.

Was it sticky?