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Comment by mattbruv

16 days ago

Also, if you're interested in History and enjoy "off the beaten path" type of tourism, it's 100% worth the ~8 hour ride from Santa Cruz to visit La Higuera, the little pueblo where the Bolivian Government captured and executed Che Guevara. The schoolhouse that they executed him in is now converted into a tiny little museum, and the whole town has art and statues of him, it's a super interesting place.

Par for the course. They may as well have one for Butch Cassidy too.

  • I’m not sure if you’re suggesting Che Guavara wasn’t assassinated, wasn’t assassinated in La Higuera, or that the museum dedicated to memorializing this historical event is either insincere or simply trading on Guevara’s memory as a cynical cash grab…so tldr; WTF are you on about?

    • I don't understand what he's on about either. They're hardly even making any money from it. I signed the guest book and there were only like one or two visitors every couple of days (or week). The woman who gives tours of the museum can't read or write, she's probably in her 80s. Only elderly people live in the town nowadays, all of the youth left. It can't be more than 30-50 people living there. I don't even remember paying anything to enter, and if I did, it couldn't have been more than a couple of dollars.

    • I think they’re suggesting Guevara was a criminal and murderer and we shouldn’t idolize or memorialize him. America has strong and deeply ingrained anti-communist sentiment.

      I think that regardless of your political leaning, he is an interesting piece of history.