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Comment by Nullabillity

16 days ago

> Like, do you even realize that this the reason why Nvidia is mopping the floor with your stuff?

Are they?

Generally, my experience has been that AMD products generally just work even if they're a bit buggy sometimes, while Nvidia struggles to get a video signal at all.

Seems perfectly reasonable to focus on what matters, while Nvidia is distracted by the AI fad.

I'm not talking about gaming, I'm talking about general purpose computing (although even for gaming your statement is pretty bold). Since she's CEO of a publicly traded company, it seems pretty weird that she would ignore the fields where the money is at, while Nvidia becomes the most valuable company in the world. So she's not just ignoring developers' wants but also her stockholders'.

even if the LLM thing is an "AI fad" there are many other things that ML is used for that matter (to the people spending real money on GPUs - think A6000, H100, not gamer cards)