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Comment by the_real_cher

12 days ago

There's tons of content to consume nowadays you don't have to be limited to pop culture.

The problem is pop culture gives everyone a shared interest to talk about and contributes to social cohesion.

Imagine talking with your friends about Jaws, or Nirvana when they first came out.

I can still find quality content but the people I can talk with it about are limited.

Pop culture provided sort of a commonality between people where we could unite over various pieces of art.

Now we have sports though.

That's the problem exactly :) Entertainment is now a content factory for consumers.

Note how you don't apply any term that would imply you'd be discerning or have agency, like viewer or god forbid customer.

And you don't call the 'content' art, entertainment or anything like that.

Even if there is content, statistically there is no pressure to change the whole picture.

Spotify pays less and less for niches. Algorithms recommend more and more superstars.

People are not prepared to pay for the niche individuals more than they need to. These individuals have harder time to make a living from that. They cannot focus on that. Over time, there is less and less individuals.

  • Is it true that there’s less and less individuals? All of the niche interests I personally have are much, much easier to satisfy now than they were 20 years ago - many of them have multiple full time content creators dedicated to that specific niche.

    • Publishing the content is as easy as it gets , that is true. But there are less people who can fully invest their time for that. They don't get enough compensation.