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Comment by BearOso

3 months ago

Shorter attention span these days. Viewers want a payoff immediately and don't want to wait a whole season.

Aside from streaming, commercial breaks are getting longer and episode content shorter. Content is only half the runtime now. If they put a rerun between each new episode, viewers stay engaged, but they get a whole bunch more commercial spaces for free.

We can't even have books any more to get content at our own pace. AI is going to produce too much crap to sort through, unless you stick to the known authors, but that just confirms this article's point.

> AI is going to produce too much crap to sort through

There will be money to be made in manual curation again soon.

As in magazine style, not influencer style. Where it's not the producer paying for an ad, but the readers paying for the editor doing their job.

If it has been done for writing for a couple hundred years, it can be done for video entertainment as well. It's already done for video games to a point, although some review sites look like payola now.