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Comment by commandlinefan

16 days ago

> everybody's too busy reinventing its own abstractions

Isn't that the problem with Javascript too, though? Javascript isn't good enough, let's all use jQuery. No, jQuery isn't good enough, let's all use Vue. No, Vue isn't good enough, let's all use Angular. No, Angular isn't good enough, let's all use React. No, React isn't good enough, let's...

This is very disingenuous. The frontend world does move quickly, but the part of the stack you're describing has been reasonably stable.

Vanilla JS was replaced by jQuery after about a decade. A decade later, React/Vue/Angular (React came first, not last) replaced jQuery

There was a paradigm shift in the kind of websites that people wanted to build. For better or worse, we went from HTML + CSS with some JavaScript (jQuery) to SPAs. It's easier for a team of junior developers to build a SPA with React compared to jQuery.

The abstractions that you're describing changed because the goal changed.


There has been plenty of churn around build tools, libraries on top of React/Vue, the paradigms within React/Vue (Hooks, Vue 3 composition API), state management libraries, and the adoption of TypeScript.

Again, this isn't really reinventing abstractions as much as dealing with an evolving language that wasn't designed for the applications we're building today (though it is clearly quite capable!)