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Comment by lhl

3 months ago

I spotted this recent post https://www.reddit.com/r/LocalLLaMA/comments/1deqahr/comment... that was pretty interesting:

> When I was working on TVM at Qualcomm to port it to Hexagon a few years ago we had 12 developers working on it and it was still a multiyear long and difficult process.

> This is also ignoring the other 20 or so developers we had working on Hexagon for LLVM, which did all of the actual hardware enablement; we just had to generate good LLVM IR. You have conveniently left out all of the LLVM support that this all requires as AMD also uses LLVM to support their GPU architectures.

> Funny enough, about a half dozen of my ex coworkers left Qualcomm to go do ML compilers at AMD and they're all really good at it; way better than I am, and they haven't magically fixed every issue

> It's more like "hire 100 additional developers to work on the ROCM stack for a few years"

This last statement sounds about right. Note that ROCm has over 250 repos on Github, a lot of them pretty active: https://github.com/orgs/ROCm/repositories?type=all - I'm sure an enterprising analyst who was really interested could look at the projects active over the past year and find unique committers. I'd guess it's in the hundreds already.

I think if you click through the ROCm docs https://rocm.docs.amd.com/en/latest/ (and maybe compare to the CUDA docs https://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/ ) you might get a good idea of the differences. ROCm has made huge strides over the past year, but to me, the biggest fundamental problem is still that CUDA basically runs OOTB on every GPU that Nvidia makes (with impressive backwards and in some cases even forwards compatibility to boot https://docs.nvidia.com/deploy/cuda-compatibility/ ) on both Linux and Windows, and... ROCm simply doesn't.

I think the AMD's NPUs complicate things a bit as well. It looks like it's its currently running on its own ONNX/Vitis (Xilinx) stack https://github.com/amd/RyzenAI-SW , and really it should either get folded into ROCm (or a new SYCL/oneAPI-ish layer needs to be adopted to cover everything).