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Comment by AmericanChopper

3 months ago

> On a cultural level, the key is to promote local productions.

If an important selling point for a media product is that it’s locally produced, then it’s probably bad (as local productions usually are).

The real solution imo is just to consume less media. If consuming media takes up a significant portion of your time, then to me that sounds like a fundamentally boring life. I’d recommend one should fix their boring life problem before they start worrying about their boring media problem.

Books are media too. I've been an avid reader from early childhood and I don't consider my life boring. I guess what a "boring life" is, is up to every individual.

  • That's a fair point about books. But even then, I simply can't relate to a life that revolves around consuming media. There's a lot of great movies and TV shows as well, but I don't know how you can spend so much time watching TV (or even reading books) that you run out of stuff to watch (or read), and still manage to lead a rewarding life.

    • I agree that "I ran out of things to watch/read" is something I find puzzling. There are so many great books, shows, movies, musical compositions, ... I don't know how anyone could ever run out.

1) Was ZZ Top bad? Was Pantera bad?

I chose those two because they were fairly famous local acts in Texas long before they became nationally famous.

ZZ Top in particular used to open for a lot of bands who would tour Texas. They were noted for bringing along a set of local fans who would help sell tickets for your tour.

2) One must suck before one gets good

If you can't make a living while you notionally "suck", you lose the pipeline to "good". I would, in fact, argue that this is really what is dragging down a lot of our "pop culture" right now. We are finally seeing the results of that pipeline collapsing around Y2K.