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Comment by mistermann

12 days ago

I agree, but I think a more important distinction is that while 90% (wild guess) of people could get it via pure System 2 thinking (perhaps via an unpleasant grind of working through it slowly), only a small percentage can think this way intuitively and quickly in System 1.

I think there's value in having non-programmers (or experts of any kind) having worked through some non-trivial examples as it may solidify in their mind that what the experts are telling them is legitimate (though, this rests on the requirement that what they are telling people actually is legitimate...which I think is is very much the same problem, but more refined). A classic example of this is COVID, but not only the vaccines aspect.

I think this general idea (a much more sophisticated interpretation of it than I'm giving here) has very broad applicability and importance to advanced societies.