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Comment by neilv

16 days ago

> Oof, perhaps time to stock up if you rely on this equipment.

(I didn't read the bill, but based on the article alone...)

Looks like it's a tentative ban on usage, not sale nor ownership.

And currently with no "pre-ban" grandfathering-in, nor compensation for US people who'd be affected by the ban (e.g., investments in equipment, operations disrupted, migration costs).

One measure that would be interesting: a buyback of banned DJI gear, issuing vouchers that can be spent with non-disapproved drone brands.

That might help make DJI owners whole, and consistent with some of the presumed goals behind banning use of DJI. Though it's spending taxpayer money.

  • The problem from my perspective, running a small DJI fleet in Civil Engineering, is that there are few comparative turnkey options from non-disapproved drone brands that actually compete with what I'm using now. The ones that could, are drastically more expensive.

    From my understanding / research, the approved suppliers are largely focusing on the LE, Military markets.

    Current list of cleared UAS https://www.diu.mil/blue-uas-cleared-list