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Comment by mpalmer

3 months ago

C-Series is "better" in large part because its favorable pricing was heavily subsidized by the Canadian government.

And I'm not sure you want to get into a discussion about China and protectionism, to say nothing of national security concerns.

> C-Series is "better" in large part because its favorable pricing was heavily subsidized by the Canadian government

Just like Boeing gets billions in tax breaks, various aids and in theory extremely profitable if they weren't so damn incompetent military contracts?

And no, it's better because it's more efficient. Over the lifetime of a plane it's purchase price is a tiny part of the total costs.

  • I think we share the same opinion on Boeing itself. But what is the difference between Boeing's advantage in the US vs Bombardier's in Canada?

    • Minimal (outside of the fact that a lot of the money given to Bombardier resulted in equity for Quebec and wasn't just handouts; but in terms of % of the whole program it's a wash).

      Yet Canada isn't out there banning Boeing planes or asking for 300% tariffs on them for "unfair competition".