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Comment by cess11

3 months ago

"In theory, you could pick up your one language, say, Java, and through the course of a normal career learn everything necessary to program in that language in the best possible way."

OK, then you know about currying, immutable data structures, map/reduce/filter, &c.

Because Java has that since way back when. No real closures, I think, but that doesn't matter much because the anonymous functions do what you want pretty much all the time and you could probably invent your own closures if you really want something else.

> OK, then you know about currying, immutable data structures, map/reduce/filter, &c.

It's not a certainty you learn about those things from Java, depends on your team/manager/codebase. None of that is enforced in Java the way it is in fp. Plus, none of it is really core or native to Java, it was added on later.

That's how we got essays back in the 2000s like "The Perils of Java Schools", "Can Your Language Do This", and "Beating the Averages".


