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Comment by crabbone

3 months ago

> I still don't understand Haskell

It's not you. Haskell has very bad syntax. It's not hard to understand it, it you rewrite the same things in something saner. Haskell was developed by people who enjoy one-liners and don't really need to write practical programs.

Another aspect of Haskell is that it was written by people who were so misguided as to think that mathematical formulas are somehow superior to typical imperative languages, with meaningful variable names, predictable interpretations of sequences of instructions etc. They, instead, made it all bespoke. Every operation has its own syntax, variables are typically named as they would in math formulas (eg. X and X'). This makes no sense, and is, in fact, very harmful when writing real-world programs, but because, by and large, Haskell never raises to the task of writing real-world programs, it doesn't deter the adepts from using it.

Just to give a different pov I find Haskell very intuitive, and particularly I find that code written by other people is very easy to understand (compared to Java or TypeScript at least).

And by the way x and x' are totally fine names for a value of a very generic type (or even a very specific type depending on the circumstances), as long as the types and the functions are decently named. I mean, how else would you call the arguments of

splitAt :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [[a]]


There is no need for anything more complex than

splitAt x xs = ...

  • > I mean, how else would you call the arguments of > splitAt :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [[a]]

    Those don't seem to be names of parameters, but rather of types. It's missing parameter names entirely.

    I spent a good 2 minutes looking at that signature trying to figure it out (and I've read some Haskell tutorials so I'm at least familiar with the syntax). This would've helped:

        def split_by<T>(separator: T, list: List[T]) -> List[List[T]]

    `sep`, `separator`, `delim`, `delimiter` would've been good names.

    • > Those don't seem to be names of parameters, but rather of types. It's missing parameter names entirely.

      The rest of the definition is at the end, to see it as a whole:

        splitAt :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [[a]]
        splitAt x xs = ...

      To clarify, I assumed that by using the constraint `Eq a` and the name splitAt there was no need for extra clarification in the names of the parameters but apparently I was wrong.

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That's what (some) other people do. None of that stops you writing Haskell in whatever style you want, with meaningful variable names, curly braces and semicolons!

  • Unfortunately, writing isn't even half the battle. Before you start writing, you need to read a lot. And Haskell code is, in general, atrocious. It always feels like there was a normal way to do something, but the author decided to chose the most convoluted way they can imagine to accomplish the same thing for the sake of a bizarre fashion sense.

You knew Paul Hudak, Simon Peyton Jones, Phil Wadler, etc? Were they thinking about the benefits of mathematical formulas over program counters and procedural keywords when designing Haskell?

I was under the impression from the History of Haskell [0] that they were interested in unifying research into lazy evaluation of functional programming languages.

> This makes no sense, and is, in fact, very harmful when writing real-world programs,

Gosh, what am I doing with my life? I must have made up all those programs I wrote on my stream, the ones I use to maintain my website, and all the boring line-of-business code I write at work. /s

In all seriousness, Haskell has its warts, but being impractical isn't one of them. To some purists the committee has been overly pragmatic with the design of the language. As far as functional programming languages go it's pretty hairy. You have "pure" functions in the base libraries that can throw runtime exceptions when given the wrong values for their arguments (ie: the infamous head function). Bottom, a special kind of null value, is a member of every type. There exist functions to escape the type system entirely that are used with some frequency to make things work. The committee has gone back more than once to reshape the type-class hierarchy much to the chagrin of the community of maintainers who had to manually patch old code or risk having it not longer compile on new versions of the base libraries. These are all hairy, pragmatic trade-offs the language and ecosystem designers and maintainers have had to make... because people write software using this language to solve problems they have and they have to maintain these systems.

[0] https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/wp-content/uploads/...

  • You don't need to know the author personally to appreciate the result of their work...

    > Gosh, what am I doing with my life?

    I would ask the same question, but unironically. No, you didn't make up those programs of course. I didn't claim that real-world programs are impossible to write in Haskell. I claimed that Haskell is a bad tool for writing real-world programs. People make sub-optimal decisions all the time. That's just human nature... choosing Haskell for any program that would require debugging, long-term maintenance, cross-platform UI, or plenty of other desirable properties is just a very bad choice. But people like you do it anyways!

    Why? -- there are plenty of possible answers. If I wanted to look for the flattering answers, I'd say that a lot of experienced and talented programmers like Haskell. So, choosing to write in Haskell for that reason isn't such a bad idea. But, if I wanted to judge Haskell on its engineering rather than social merits: it has very little to bring to the table.

    • Strange. In my experience Haskell is the best language for long-term maintainability! I can actually come back to code I've written years ago and understand what it does. I've never experience that with another language.

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    • I think we can drop the "real-world," qualifier as it is unlikely there is an "imaginary-world" that we write programs for.

      What engineering merits did you have in mind?

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