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Comment by grecy

3 months ago

Our society isn't equipped to handle new developments like this, and they "just happen" before anyone gives much thought to whether they will lead to bad outcomes down the road.

When an immigrant who was handcuffed and tazed subsequently died in Canada, the investigation started asking questions about the use of tazers. They wanted to see the testing and data that showed they were not lethal or long-term harmful for use on humans.

It turns out no such testing had ever been done. Companies just started making them, so Police forces started buying them and using them on people. To this day there is no data about the consequences of using them.

Same thing for smartphones in schools and a TON of other things in our world.

Nonsense. I was in my teens when children getting cell phones was barely a thing, but there were already things like pagers and Gameboy and PDAs.

None of those things were allowed out of your locker from the moment you got to school until you left.

Children having smartphones in class is a significant deviation from the norm.