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Comment by parthianshotgun

3 months ago

Why? Is it because it's esoteric, not meant for all?

i would guess it's probably an annoyance with people assigning significance to the insignificant and the belief they've discovered something profound when it's intellectually pretty shallow. i can understand an eye roll at people who try to answer really complex questions about life and existence with something like pretty patterns, but i personally choose to be fine with people finding the things that help them understand the world in their own way. we're not all meant to be Aristotle.

  • Yes, I'm more in the continental mindset myself. To paraphrase Gene Wolfe, the meaning of life is life itself, not as a means to an end, but an end unto itself. Which is why I was originally curious about the why, assuming OP didn't take my curiosity as bad faith

It doesn't really matter why, does it?

  • It matters for me to understand you, the other. I'm trying :p

    • Ok, well - in my cultural background, that sort of symbology is typically associated with scams, unsavoury types, and sexual exploitation. This pretension that life can be explained with magical patterns is fundamentally anti-intellectual and prone to appeal to fools.

      To paraphrase another unsavoury person, when I see this kind of stuff I put my hand on the revolver.

  • i mean you're publicly stating your opinion in a comments section, which is designed for conversation. it's sort of weird to state something so strongly and then not want to elaborate more on why.

    • Well, it was a response to a similarly un-elaborated statement of opinion.