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Comment by thr0w

12 days ago

> I can’t trust them anymore; I gotta figure out a way to generate revenue myself; from my own business; that I control. Online preferably.

This was it for me. Pouring your whole self into your work, only to be laid off, fired, or skipped for promotion is soul shattering.

$400k ARR solo. I'll never work for anyone again, I'll never feel compelled to be a yes man again, I'll never fake a smile for a drooling idiot of a C*O again.

Never say never.

  • For real. I made $400k+ multiple years working for myself in a business that was a mix of product and services. But then divorce, business changes, and my own values shifting pushed me to get a tech job where I made even more, working less, with less stress. It was a great move, though I had to let go of some of my ego to do it.

    That said, after about five years of that, I'm ready to get back to working for myself.

    • This just shows that life is really transient. Life circumstances change, so we probably shouldn't be dogmatic.

      Frankly 90% of people probably are not cut out to be entrepreneurs because it requires certain qualities.