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Comment by trgn

16 days ago

what useful thing does a smartphone do during school hours?

What useful things could a smartphone do during school hours.

You have a literal internet connected computer with any function you could care to name, interactive touch screen display, full sound with headphones being provided by the student.

The situation we have now is that there are few apps that are suitable for a classrooms, even fewer which teachers would be allowed to use and none which are endorsed or included in the curriculum[1].

Meanwhile students phones have no central management unless by parents using a specialist app, are not automatically locked down to appropriate use during school hours, meaning they just get used for messaging and inappropriate stuff.

There is no reason that a students phone couldn't become the world's most amazing educational tool the moment they walk onto school premises - the world just hasn't caught up yet and probably won't for a while.

[1] I don't know this, but I'm sure they're providing iPads or something if they're actually doing anything around this.

  • with [1], you already said it. iPads serve that function. Have these really improved classroom education, or is it just a more convoluted, fidgety way to get through the materials?

    > There is no reason that a students phone couldn't become the world's most amazing educational too

    Or, some new, advanced technology exists, therefore, because it is new and advanced, it needs to be applied. This is an affliction.

    • I think my broader point is that whatever technology has been adopted hasn't had a noticeable effect and that's due to the usage, attitude and hence supporting infrastructure to adopt them.

      GP asked what use a smartphone would have, implying that it could only ever be bad. I'm just arguing that this isn't necessarily the case, not that we should adopt it or even that adoption is likely.

      1 reply →

All the same things as internet connected computers in general — world's information at your fingertips, quiz apps to reduce the delay between doing a test and finding out what you need to focus on, etc. — except easier to take on field trips and hook up with heart rate monitors during PE.

Dumb phone things, apps for blood sugar monitoring, checking public transport delays,....

There are enough stories about children dying because schools locked away medication. I have very little trust that schools will apply any common sense.

Looking stuff up during lunch or study hall. School hours != in class but it often means doing assignments.

  • They pretty much all have chromebooks or laptops these days that can perform the same actions if it's school related.

    Also, study hall is an elective class. You still need to behave in study hall. The purpose is to study. Lunch could be an exception, but not really. There should be enough time to eat and socialize just a little. The lunch periods are not excessively long.

    • Try to juggle a Chromebook, textbook, and a worksheet on a one of those single seat desks and see if you start reaching for a phone.

      Chromebook’s still aren’t nearly as integrated into schools as you might expect.

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  • Lunch is a good time to disconnect. I think teaching kids to having moments where they can just enjoy company and socialize is a good thing. Same reason we have a no screen policy during dinner time at home.

    Most study hall / libraries have a number of computer terminals.

    • Most kids on most days do use it to disconnect, but conversely most kids also use it to do an assessment or study for a test at some point.