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Comment by matwood

3 months ago

Yep. I’ve been saying for awhile now that universal healthcare would likely lead to one of the biggest small business booms ever. Not only does it help people strike out on their own, but makes easier/cheaper for them to hire.

Same for housing. In Tokyo median rent price for a 1BR is $600-$700. No onerous contracts either with month-to-month rental options. The freedom to explore creative and business endeavors without these worries cannot be overstated.

I'm going to be honest, I don't believe this at all. It seems like one of those things that everybody says because they want it to be true.

  • Ya. It sounds good. But then the question is why doesn’t every other country destroy US in entrepreneurship? Why does US still have so many small businesses?

    • Well obviously there is more to it than just UHC. The US encourages and rewards risk taking, and has a healthy funding culture not found anywhere else, etc... But, I believe if you take how good the US already is with entrepreneurship and then add UHC it would trigger a boom.

    • Exactly. I'm willing to bet that the US may not be the number one country in terms of entrepreneurship, but it's certainly not at the bottom.

On the other hand, it would make it harder for big business to retain talent.

  • You mean they would have to offer a good job with competitive wages, enjoyable work conditions, good benefits (mat leave, paid time off, sick pay, etc.) and a good career path?

  • This is why big business is not an ally for anything that makes health care cheaper or easier to engage. It's a great system for them.

    • JP Morgan, Berkshire Hathaway, and Amazon, all huge employee counts, together seriously tried to tackle healthcare costs in the US.