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Comment by generic92034

3 months ago

On the other hand startup culture and entrepreneurship are much more common in the US, compared with the EU. But the latter does not tie health insurance to employment, in most countries. Probably other factors are more important.

I don't think so. I think it means other factors are also very important.

I think both things are true, that we're getting a bunch of things right toward a successful entrepreneurial culture, but are also getting this one thing massively wrong and leaving a huge amount of further potential on the table!

Doesn't mean Universal Healthcare wouldn't be a net win for entrepreneurship.

We should unlock all barriers to entry that we possibly can

  • It's a net win for everyone except the middlemen.

    • I think to have an honest conversation about universal healthcare is to admit that it would cause health care rationing. Costs would be tighter across the board, and the best experiences of health care services enjoyed with (many) corporate plans would degrade, relatively speaking (unless supplemental private insurance continues). Doctors would probably make less profit, not just insurers.

      I think it's okay to talk honestly about that. There's a LOT of waste and purely indulgent service in the current system. And as a person striking out on a business venture, I don't need concierge health services. I need a health safety net.

      I think it hurts the conversation about UHC when that's waved away - telling people that they'll be bringing the best of low deductible in-network, gratuitously provided services to everyone.

      UHC isn't about bringing great service to everyone, it's about bringing a higher level of minimal coverage to everyone.