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Comment by teekert

12 days ago

We have schools doing this in the Netherlands. Students actually report liking it because they are now more in real physical contact with their fellow students directly instead of immersed in their phone every chance they get.

I think that shows that indeed it should be a rule, voluntary will not work because of something akin to the network effect.

When we get interns at our company many of them, instead of communicating with us are in their phones during lunch and coffee breaks. It’s a disease, they don’t integrate, they don’t learn being social around collegeas. I don’t like most people of that generation and they never get to know me. Something has to change.

> something akin to the network effect

Yes. Kids are tuned in to the negative effect of phones/social media on themselves, don't want them, but feel they can't not have them because … everyone else is on them.

This is more about social media, but a research report [1] quoted by Jonathan Haidt in conversation with Tyler Cowen [2] expresses this:

"Users would need to BE PAID $59 to deactivate TikTok and $47 to deactivate Instagram if others in their network were to continue using their accounts."


"Users would be willing to PAY $28 and $10 to have others, including themselves, deactivate TikTok and Instagram, respectively."

Emphasis mine on the above two quotes.

[1] https://bfi.uchicago.edu/insight/research-summary/when-produ... [2] https://conversationswithtyler.com/episodes/jonathan-haidt-a...

> Students actually report liking it because they are now more in real physical contact with their fellow students directly instead of immersed in their phone every chance they get.

I wonder what a poll of those students would actually show

It will change the same way it changed for the generations before you. The old guard will retire and the young will become old. It's the circle of life.