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Comment by andy_ppp

16 days ago

GDPR is really sensible legislation that largely only applies to companies who should be treating your personal data as sensitive data. I built a GDPR complaint system and was really happy about the security we put in place that we definitely wouldn’t have thought to do without these laws. Things like having someone you can ask and request personal data from at big companies is also an extremely well thought through idea. I don’t understand the issues people have with it to be honest…

Most people have no problem with the GDPR. It only seems otherwise on this forum and similar echo chambers / bubbles where lots of people made their fortunes with adtech.

  • I love the intention of the law, but it's so... flexible... in implementation that shitty implementers ended up making the browsing experience horrible with intrusive pop-ups and geo blocking.

    On mobile every page load ends up with me spending the first minute or so on page dealing with the half-screen "don't sell my info" cookie dance, followed with the ad-block pop-ups.

    • > but it's so... flexible... in implementation

      It usually isn't the law's job to dictate an implementation.

      > shitty implementers ended up making the browsing experience horrible with intrusive pop-ups and geo blocking.

      How is the law that doesn't even talk about browsers or cookies responsible for this?

  • My only complaint with GDPR is when I have to do boring work in the name of GDPR compliance :)

    But it's also driven some pretty interesting projects, so I'd probably call it a wash or perhaps a slight positive, even if I were to ignore the major benefits as a consumer