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Comment by paganel

12 days ago

Slightly related, has anyone managed to get some “joy of programming” (for lack of a better word) back after starting to learn a new (human) language?

I’m asking because I used to get that in the past (let’s say 10 to 15 years ago) by becoming interested in new programming languages every once in a while, but nowadays I can’t really do a “let’s discover Lisp/Scheme/Erlang” again, and as there are no new interesting programming languages that I know of (with the exception of Rust, which I might consider but it’s not really in my programming interests ballpark when it comes to its use because I’ve never been a C/C++ guy) trying to learn a new actual human language is the closest I can get when it comes to satisfying that intelectual itch.

The problem you mention is rather common to senior/experienced developers. One way to get back the "joy of programming" is to study the programming language domain as a whole including Programming Language Theory, Formal Methods, Programming Paradigms and Techniques etc. Most people just focus on the needed mechanics of Programming (because job) without really bothering to look behind the curtain and hence quickly get bored/disillusioned. You have to really motivate yourself to dig deeper. But once you do this, you will begin to look at programming languages in a whole different light.

I found the following useful to get back (ongoing) my "joy of programming";

1) Advanced Programming Language Design by Raphael Finkel.

2) Concepts, Techniques, and Models of Computer Programming by Peter Van Roy and Seif Haridi.

3) Understanding Formal Methods by Jean-Francois Monin.

4) Design Concepts in Programming Languages by Turbak and Gifford.

I haven't had the energy to sit down and learn something new in a long time. Its all similar enough and after 10+years of seeing code, I don't imagine any wow moments learning anything.

Maybe you'd be interested in trying to write your own language or something at this point.