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Comment by paganel

3 months ago

> world war 2 naval history?

Mind to share some titles? As I’m also interested in naval history and strategy, and for better or for worse I’ve stopped reading programming books a good while ago.

Also, and for what it’s worth, I found out that good books on military strategy are also really valuable when trying to apply them to many higher-ish-level programming tasks, so in that respect I’m hitting two birds with one stone.

You asked specifically for books-- let me add some podcasts:

Check out https://www.youtube.com/@UnauthorizedHistoryPacificWar An overview of the US Pacific war with a professional historian and WW2 museum director, and a retired submarine captain/commodore who served in the Pacific. Lots of high-quality guests, too, often including Parshall and sometimes Tully from bloopernova's list.

Also, https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaBYW76inbX4kE52CPUvx... Doesn't have the authority of the previous, but is high-quality and covers the non-US portions of the war much better, IMO.

These 2, in this order:

Incredible Victory by Walter Lord[1]. The story of Midway, fairly balanced.

Shattered Sword by Jonathan Parshall and Anthony Tully[2]. also about Midway, but more research on Japanese sources. Has updated information about some things that are taken as "truth" about Midway. Amazing book.

EDITED to add:

James Hornfischer has some great books about the Pacific Naval war:

The Last Stand of the Tin Can Sailors: The Extraordinary World War II Story of the U.S. Navy's Finest Hour[3]. 6 small escort carriers, and a handful of destroyers and destroyer-escorts vs the heavyweights of the Japanese fleet: Battleships and cruisers. Jaw-dropping descriptions of courage under fire. Fantastic book.

Neptune's Inferno: The U.S. Navy at Guadalcanal[4]. Covers several naval battles, but not much on the ground conflict. Really good book too.

The Fleet at Flood Tide: America at Total War in the Pacific[5]. The late Pacific war, with the invasion of Saipan, and the naval aircraft battle of the Philippines, leading up to Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the end of the war.


[1] https://www.amazon.com/Incredible-Victory-Battle-Midway-Clas...

[2] https://www.amazon.com/Shattered-Sword-Untold-Battle-Midway/...

[3] https://www.amazon.com/dp/0553381482

[4] https://www.amazon.com/Neptunes-Inferno-U-S-Navy-Guadalcanal...

[5] https://www.amazon.com/Fleet-Flood-Tide-America-1944-1945/dp...

Oh yeah, on the applying military concepts to software engineering: Shattered Sword talks a lot about organizational/strategic/doctrinal deficiencies and I found the lessons to be very relevant to how teams work. I definitely recommend that book if you're any kind of leader or work in development.