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Comment by lacoolj

3 months ago

So, anyone know what DJI is without googling first? Cuz this article doesn't say.

It's the worlds premier consumer drone manufactor.

Founded in 2006, worth over $15 billion.

It's not quite as widely known as say Apple, Google, or Disney.

But it has more brand awareness than most other modern brands.

I'd recon it beats Alibaba, Figma, Webflow, etc...

These types of comments confuse me, because it would be faster to Google it and get an answer in 10 seconds than to post a comment and wait for a response.

Besides, from reading the article, context alone should tell you that DJI is a Chinese drone brand.

God I'm glad I'm not the only one. I'm working on getting a newsletter up and running and I'm so focused on best writing practices and these guys can't even remember to define their acronyms first?

  • > and these guys can't even remember to define their acronyms first?

    DJI is not an acronym, it's the name of a company. And DJI is the most famous drone company; asking to "define DJI", on an article for a site about drones like that one, would be like asking to "define Boeing" on an article for a site about airplanes.

    • Boeing is a word that looks like a proper noun and, more importantly, is a much more well-known company than DJI. Moreover, for those of us who don't know it's a company, DJI looks like an acronym, so the writer should have clarified, aka defined it.

Ever seen the videos of ... thing being dropped on people from a drone in the last two something years? That drone is usually DJI Mavic