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Comment by andoando

3 months ago

There's a few issues with this IMO:

1. Changes often require changing the functionality of a component, which means many of the current unit tests are bunk and need to be updated. Changes that are simply refactoring but should retain the same behavior, need to update/rewrite the tests, in which case again often requires significant refactoring of the existing tests.

2. Small isolated changes usually require testing everything which in a big org is very time consuming and slows down builds and deploys unnecessarily.

3. A lot of false confidence is instilled by passing unit tests. The tests passed, were good! Most of the production bugs I've seen are things you'd never catch in a unit test.

I really can't imagine a large refactor where we wouldn't end up rewriting all the tests. Integration tests are much better for that imo, "units" should be flexible.

Yes changing contracts implies updating tests. They should.

Refactoring under the same contract should not lead to refactoring of tests. Unless of course you introduce a new dependency you have to mock ? That's just one example.

If your code changes a lot it has nothing to do with tests being hard to change. It has to do with the code it tests changes too often. Poor contracts perhaps.

And just like the parent comment. Tests are not about finding or solving bugs, they are about regressions and making sure your contracts are correctly implemented.

  • If your refactoring includes changes to interfaces, different abstractions, logical changes, business logic, then most of your tests need to be effectively rewritten.

    The only part where I see unit tests being useful for refactoring is making changes to the internals of a single unit. Its always been more trouble than its worth for me.

    In some cases it makes sense, like testing small units that heavy in logic (function that calculates order prices for example, scientific computing, etc). But unit testing every single piece of code has always seemed dogmatic to me (unit tests are good engineering, write unit tests always everywhere). Everything has tradeoffs and as engineers I think our job is to understand the pros and cons and apply them effectively.