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Comment by henvic

16 days ago

I'm not talking about drone legislation here in Europe, but state overreach in tech in general + bad scene for startups compared to the US (for now...) due to politics.

Any concrete examples you are referring to?

  • Can start with the number of unicorns in USA vs Europe, especially when you take population in to account https://www.failory.com/unicorns

  • > Any concrete examples you are referring to?

    Entity formation time; time and capital required to hire the first N employees; number, cost and time of licensing required before first sale can be made. Each are higher in Europe. Combine that with the multiple languages and regulators which inhibits scale and you get the present situation.

    Which, I will note, is fine. It’s optimised for stability, not wealth. On the other hand, it naturally means having to choose between American and Chinese tech giants.

    • > Entity formation time; time and capital required to hire the first N employees; number, cost and time of licensing required before first sale can be made. Each are higher in Europe.

      Which Europe? All of those can be done online with minimal effort or upfront investment in many EU countries. Do you mean Belarus?

      > Combine that with the multiple languages and regulators which inhibits scale and you get the present situation.

      This is true, because the EU is composed of 20+ different countries, each with different languages, cultures, histories, priorities. It's impossible to remove that boundary.

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  • The bi annual push for chat control (key „escrow”)

    • The US had an entire decade of war on cryptography that was literally required to safely transact on the internet, and yet the 90s had plenty of online store startups.

    • Granted the chat control issue, is unfortunate on the privacy front, however I wouldn't call it a hindrance on innovation.

      IMO, often innovation happens because it is motivated to work around rules and regulations. So in many cases regulation and rules are what drives innovation. People want to hack the system and thus have to innovate. A completely hacked and open system doesn't really inspire new ideas, because the old ones just work fine already.

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