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Comment by ulfw

12 days ago

So what's America's plan to survive?

Ban almost everything they used to buy? (i.e. goods manufactured in China)

Which Made in the Good Ol' US of A consumer drones are people supposed to purchase instead of a DJI Mini?

We make so much in China, I don’t get what the deal is, here. Just that a US billionaire isn’t making the money?

  • Once DJI gets banned, a new consumer company will come around and will happily import all the parts from China then slap on a substantial markup. I'm placing bets that DJI will somehow whitelabel the drones.

    It's funny the lengths the US public and political machine will go to avoid blaming the business sector that outsourced all of everything to China over the last few decades. Chinese manufacturing got the tools and know-how to build these devices and have done a great job iterating on that knowledge across many different sectors and product categories.


  • Oh yes someone who calls out US stupidity must be earning 50 cents.

    Funny how you forgot the (effective) ban on Chinese EVs (sorry "100% tariff only") too. Let's not even get into the ban of other manufacturers such as Huawei. So, more $100,000 Elon Cybertrucks are going to save the planet from the climate crisis we are facing?

    I stand by my question: what is the big plan here? Try to be somehow competitive by piece by piece banning the place you literally built up with your excessive imports?

    • Ok I fixed my statement:

      Banning tiktok, a drone manufacturer, a crappy phone manufacturer called Huawei, and shitty EVs isn’t banning “almost everything”.