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Comment by exabrial

12 days ago

Sigh, no no no, no, no it's not.

In fact, Mocking is an essential tool for writing _unit_ tests; you know, testing exactly one thing (a 'unit') at a time. In Java for instance, a 'unit' would be a single static method, or a single class. Other languages will have different definitions of these terms, but the essential point would be "smallest reasonable grouping of code that can be executed, preferably deterministically"

The problem is people conflate the various levels of integration tests. You actually should* have both: Full unit test coverage + an integration test to prove all of the pieces work together successfully. Small unit tests with mocks will point you _very quickly_ to exactly where a problem is a codebase by pointing out the effects of contract changes. Large integration tests prove your product meets requirements, and also that individual components (often written by different teams) work together. They are two different things with two different goals.

* Important Caveat on the word 'should': Testing de-risks a build. However, if your business product is a risk itself (lets say you're hedging a startup on NFTs going wild), then your testing should reflect the amount of risk you're underwilling to spend money on. Unit testing in general speeds up development cycles, but takes time to develop. A good Software Engineering leader recognizes the risks in both the business side and development side and finds a balance. As a product matures, so should the thoroughness of it's testing.