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Comment by evnix

16 days ago

He probably meant it takes more effort to create mocks for all the negative cases. In most cases you won't have the time or the bandwidth to do this.

Try mocking DB triggers, views, access rules etc in mocks and you will know why most teams don't bother mocking but use the real thing instead.

And about the comment about him being a CTO. Well he is a CTO and you?

Then he should have said that. Is not clear communication a requirement for CTO these days?

Everything you are describing is about actually testing the database. A database is a complex server and things like db triggers and store procedures should be tested isolation too. And then you have integration tests too.

My team just found a bug that wasn’t covered in a unit test. We found it in a long running API test. And so we added a unit test for the specific low level miss, and a quick integration test too.