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Comment by ickyforce

16 days ago

I have tried various approaches and here's what worked best, assuming that there is some natural way to partition most of the data (e.g. per account):

1. Init the DB with some "default" data - configuration, lookup tables, etc

2. Each test in the test suite owns its data. It creates a new account and inserts new records only for that account. It can for example create users on this account, new entities, etc. It can run multiple transactions, can do rollbacks if needed. It is important to only touch the account(s) created by the test and to avoid touching the initial configuration. There's no need to clean up the data after the test finishes. These tests can run concurrently.

3. Create a separate integration test suite which runs sequentially and can do anything with the database. Running sequentially means that these tests can do anything - e.g. test cross-account functionality, global config changes or data migrations. In practice there aren't that many of those, most tests can be scoped to an account. These tests have to clean up after themselves so the next one starts in a good state.

Other approaches had tons of issues. For example if each test is wrapped with a transaction which is later rolled back then testing is very limited - tests cannot use transactions on their own. Savepoints have similar issue.