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Comment by cinntaile

3 months ago

> Germany went the other way, rejecting nuclear and they are now dependant on carbon for their energy...

As you can see the data does not support this claim of yours. https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/energy-consumption-by-sou...

Total power consumption went down due to industry moving out of the country due to increasing electricity cost due the country exiting nuclear power. It's depressing.

  • What's depressing is how wrong your comment is. You seemingly ignored the Ukrainian war which has lead to sanctioning Russia and the end of cheap Russian oil and gas in Germany. Spot electricity prices are at pre-war levels nowadays, so whatever lack of nuclear power you are imagining is seemingly irrelevant.

So the link shows in 2001 nuclear generated 482.92 TWh; in 2022 wind plus solar generated 485.12 TWh. Granted coal was down in that time but gas was pretty much flat (except for 2022 when there were extenuating circumstances).

  • That is primary energy. Only one third of that can actually be turned into electricity.

    • Yes, I realised that while having trouble getting to sleep last night. France produces around 350-400TWh from nuclear, so that should have made me question the number I quoted.

      So the graph is a bit misleading in that various qualities of energy are lumped together.

  • The claim was that Germany has now become dependent on carbon based energy sources, the link I posted shows it has always been dependent on carbon based energy sources. The dependence hasn't changed all that much in the last 20 years, it went down a bit but not much.