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Comment by sschueller

3 months ago

So I guess the new viable business strategy in the US is:

  1. Find a sector which a foreign companies dominates
  2. Enter this sector even with a bad product
  3. Go to congress and get the other ones banned because they are "insert reason here".

Every country does it from time to time. We are going to see the end of globalisation as we have known it for the last 30+ years. The Russians and the Chinese made everyone realise that it is better to make stuff at home.

The effect is that the US loses its competitive edge in international markets. Is another country going to buy Tesla or BYD? Are they going to buy a DJI or an overpriced US drone? It might protect companies locally but for how long?

  • And what happens when you taking dumping to the logical extreme? You wind up with nobody domestically that can do any advanced work at all, because everyone gets put out of business. Then we have nothing to export and no skill or capability gradient to climb.

    BYD exists because of Chinese economic protectionism. China carved out a space for its domestic products to grow. We should do the same.

Has there been any evidence this was pushed by lobbyists? If you look at what's happening in Ukraine It's pretty much a given that the US defense sector is looking at ways to improve the US small drone manufacturing capabilites, and have less potentially hostile drones flying over their own territory.

  • > Has there been any evidence this was pushed by lobbyists?

    I work in the drone industry, and this is so very obvious that I don't know where I would start describing it.

    Yes, it was pushed by lobbyists. Every single US drone company has been pushing for a DJI ban for years.

That's how tech works with all over-reaching governments. (China, Russia, Korea, Japan and the US, etc.)