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Comment by user070223

16 days ago

Cochabamba(Chapare) indeed known for gangs and drugs, and also for the water war against privatization of water company(influenced James bond Quantom of solace)

In 2019 there were protests after alleged election fraud, Evo morales the president fled out of the country

In La Paz was a hotspot for tourists abduction in the early 2000s, there is also a known market of stolen goods

I had a visit from Interpol in a hostel in Sucre couple of years ago

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cochabamba_Water_War https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019_Bolivian_protests

Interpol is an organisation for cooperation between national police organisations. They don't visit ordinary citizens or tourists, nor are they allowed to do any police actions in (other) countries. Are you sure that wasn't part of some (attempted) scam?

  • No I'm not; I was surprised(for some reason I though Interpol is a european thing) and showed some resistant but they just wanted to check in. I did look up now and found multiple cases where interpol was involved in bolivia as well as car with the logo, and officers with hats \_o_/