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Comment by questhimay

12 days ago


>I didn't expect Hacker news users to not understand the DJI ban, and that China and all its companies are driven by a dictator that is actively supporting a war on free world.

For someone who claims to be aware of geopolitics it's funny that you are basically just repeating a state department talking point. China has not infringed on other countries' sovereignty to even a fraction of the extent that the "free world" has. And it seems you don't believe that China has the right to govern it's own affairs using a system different from your own.

In my opinion, they understood it perfectly and reacted as they could, even by sending emails to their representatives to try and stop the ban on TikTok. HN users are understanding it as well: it's just a move by the US govt to try and keep an extremely valid, but not US-controlled, product out of people's hands. It seems to me that the only ones who don't understand the ban are those trying to justify it as anything other than what it is.

Why do you expect only the teenage users of TikTok to not understand? I would say the vast majority of all TikTok users wouldn't/couldn't understand. If not that, they've definitely consumed enough content specifically swaying them in the other direction that they would be defensive about it without even knowing they've been swayed