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Comment by xienze

16 days ago

> It’s basically universally the wrong tool for any given job but that really doesn’t stop people.

I find mocks useful for testing conditions that are on the periphery and would be a decent amount of trouble to set up. For instance, if I have a REST controller that has a catch all for exceptions that maps everything to a 500 response, I want a test that will cause the DAO layer to throw an exception and test that the rest of the "real stack" will do the translation correctly. A mock is the easiest way to accomplish that.

I agree. I will mock 3rd party APIs sometimes so I can test that my system correctly handles failures. For example, what if I get a 500 response from the API? With my mock I can easily make that happen. If I was using the actual API, I would have no way of forcing a 500 to happen.