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Comment by dataflow

18 days ago

What? Addition isn't just for numbers. This is literally no different from adding vectors. I'm sure you've seen that in school?

What do you mean subtracting a cat from a dog doesn't make sense? Heh, ackshualllyyy I was imagining a vector of pets, where we have still have a dog but now a cat deficit of one, because the cat died and now we have a big hole in our family... nothing personnel kid. surely you learnt that in school?

The point is, making a vector, that's not addition.

  • This is quite literally no different than 1i + 2j. Or if you hate vectors like i or j, just complex numbers -- 1 + 2i. I'm not sure why you feel the rudeness is helping you get a point across, because it's very much not.

    • I am being no ruder than you are, more or less.

      > because it's very much not

      I don't expect to change the mind of someone who thinks that addition and defining a vector are the same thing. You've just redefined generally common terms and then started accusing people of being uneducated for not sharing your own eccentric definitions. Poor show.

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