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Comment by aksss

3 months ago

All else being equal, I'd rather see the pricing pressure done by market competition rather than enforced price caps benchmarked against some metric controlled by the industry (see Medicare Part D - gov. negotiates hard to only reimburse xx%, drug industry says fine, we'll just raise the book price - you'll get your talking point, and we'll still get our asking price).

So more significantly:

* bring back association health plans across state lines and industries, so small businesses can band together for group rates. https://news.bloomberglaw.com/daily-labor-report/biden-admin...

* Expand Direct Primary Care. https://www.dpcare.org/

* Allow primary care physicians, dentists, etc. to offer services without a state board providing "certification of need". This seems to just be gate-keeping / moat-building.

I'm not saying either or all of these are a perfect solution (nor do I think we need to find that solution immediately). As a small business owner, they'd make the health insurance handcuff problem easier to navigate by driving costs down.

I will say this - flying solo without health insurance does make you a FAR better consumer of healthcare services. You will comparison shop (made easier by price transparency rules). You will critically consider the necessity of gratuitous tests / procedures. You will learn that doctors are running profit-minded businesses like everyone else.

It also makes you reconsider some life choices (re: physically risky behavior).

I think the biggest fear I faced was the lack of catastrophic coverage (cancer, etc.). When we didn't have insurance (both small business owners) my wife and I probably consumed less than $1000 of direct services combined, per year. That part (direct pay for services used) was fine. Walking the tightrope without a safety net for expensive medical developments was our biggest risk. With kids it's even less of an option to operate that way. I've known many that have returned to corporate jobs for this reason alone.